Hearth Breads
This Week's Breads:
Lil' Sprout - Einkorn - A healthy dose of sprouted einkorn berries are packed into our moist and lightly tangy Mixed Starter Loaf. (Organic/Vegan)
Mixed Starter Batard - High extraction and "traditional" organic wheat flours are blended in a loaf that is a bit little lighter in chew than traditional sourdoughs.(Organic/Vegan)
Craving the Cranberry Pecan Loaf - Tangy cranberries and roasted pecans are packed into our moist and lightly tangy Early Riser Rustic Batard. (Vegan)
People who order 3x/month receive a subscriber discount.
Both full & half loaves are available.
If you'd like your loaves sliced, please note this when ordering.
...please email for details..

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